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Our Rights Committee

UNCRC on Children's rights:

The convention sets out the rights of children in 42 articles.

These basic rights encompass survival, protection, development and participation.

The UNCRC is underpinned by four principles:

·         non-discrimination

·         commitment to the best interests of the child

·         a right to life, survival and development

·         respect for the views of the child

When looking at these 42 articles, Ysgol Pen Y Bryn strives to:

·         Understand that the rights on UNCRC represent all things that children and young people need to make sure that they are healthy, happy and safe.

Children and adults at Pen Y Bryn work together to recognise and act upon the rights of the child; this happens within the school, in our local community and the wider world.

We believe that by understanding their own rights, our pupils will learn to respect and value the rights of others.

This is why we have set up 'our rights committee' in order to inform

Rights committee meeting 29/11/2017

One of the members of the rights committee has been going around the school this morning, letting classes know who their representative is by displaying their pictures on their doors!

The member of the commitee also helped display Eric the Eagle around the school displaying four very important rights, in certain areas. You will see Eric by the; toilets, information boards, exits to playground and near the school canteens. 


Rights Committee Meeting 26/01/2018.

We discussed the importance of classes knowing about the right of the month.

We discussed when we hear about the right of the month, and this was during Monday assembly. 

Eric the Eagle, the school mascot informs us about the right of the month and then teachers gives us examples and explains what the right is during assembly. 

We thought it would be a good idea to have a 'right of the month poster' in every class to remind staff and pupils, as well as being told in assembly.  

So we designed one, Miss Edwards will then hand these out to classrooms to be put on display.

We made a promise to remind staff to change it every month!

Rights committee meeting 23/03/2018

The rights committee knocked on the doors of all 17 classrooms in the school, with a rights checklist. 

The committee had to check that each class had these three things;

  • A class charter
  • Eric displayed in the classroom
  • A rights poster or rights displayed with widget symbols

Excellent news every class had all of the above, so we know that adults are really considering children's rights at Ysgol Pen Y Bryn. 

We will do this check again in the summer term; and include that classes have rights linked to displays and our right of the month poster within the check list too.

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School decision letter

Decision Letter from City & County of Swansea 

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You have the right to say what you think should happen and be listened to

You have the right to be the best you can be

You have the right to be looked after and kept safe

You have the right to go to school and learn

You have the right to food and water, and to be healthy